
Monday, March 5, 2012

More Help for those Confused Souls

I am a little confused on what I want to do with Disney. Like I said before, I am already planning on doing another program my senior year but I really want to do entertainment or be a character attendant. I loved the Boutique, but I want to try something different.

Deadlines as a campus representative are coming next week. I recieved my email a few weeks ago that I should know about interviews in the weeks to come. I am crossing my fingers that I become a campus representative.

When your college program ends, you have the choice to stay down there and continue with Disney a seasonal cast member or to extend your program depending on your record card. Unfortunately I couldn't extend because I had to come to Michigan to finish school.

Another big Disney endeavour is after I graduate, I really want to sign up for a professional internship which you are only allowed to applied for after being in the Disney College Program.

--Here are some useful links--

Disney College Program - Both California and Florida

Entertainment Auditions

Disney College Program Alumni

See when the Disney College Program Presentations are coming to a College near you! ^^

  If you plan on auditioning for the Disney College Program, then there is the link to the cities that are holding auditions. The rules are on here too. You have to apply for the program and list entertainment as a role first. Here are some popular roles at Disney too. Enjoy! ^^


And We shall Resume

When I left this blog, I had just mentioned that I had become sick. I was out of work for ten days and ended up avoiding the parks since I was on medical leave. One of the rules at Disney is if you call out, then you are not allowed to go to the parks. Depending on your leader, you could get terminated from the program. So after I left the hospital and went to the Boutique to tell my leaders and give them my Doctor's note, I was required not to work for a whole weekend. There really isn't much to do when you have no car and you aren't allowed to go to the parks. This was also before I bought my annual pass to Universal. So I went to Downtown Disney a lot. I took some pictures with my friend and then went home and moped.
I moped around my apartment. I moped to my rooommate and then I called my friend and moped to her. And then I took like 50 showers and moped until I went to sleep. That was my exciting weekend until I got back to work.

It was during this time that I got the bright idea to go home and to prove to my mom and grandma that I did not die from being in the hospital and I was in fact alright. I planned my trip home the second week in August and was able to switch shifts with some of the other FGIT's so I could fly home for three days and see my friends and family.
One of good friends, Tamara, who worked Outdoor Food and Beverage at Animal Kingdom decided to take me to the beach in Tampa. We went along with my other friend Justin who worked Merchandise in Frontierland. We were suppose to go to the beach in Tampa, but got lost and just kept following signs that told us there was a beach and ended up at the St. Pete Beach which was about a hour away from Tampa. Why we just didn't stop and ask for directions is a matter left unsaid.

Tip number 5,012.3, make sure you know someone with a car if you did not bring your own. It makes your life easier. You can get away from Disney for a while and that can be a good thing. Sometimes you need a Disney free day. Go to the 50,000 beaches that Florida has and watch the sunset. Don't think about the mouse.

A Great Video on What to Expect


One of the reasons why I chose to make this blog was to tell people my adventures working with Disney, but another reason was to inform people what they should expect when they are thinking about doing the Disney College Program. I found this really good video on the you and tube called Disney College Program Unplugged and it had some great information on it. I know when I first started applying, I found tons of videos on the process to get into the program, but not so many videos on what to expect once I was down in Florida. Happy Watching and props to my 16th subscriber. Yeah, I see you. You thought I wouldn't notice it. I probably just lost my 16th subscriber with that creepy remark. Story of my life.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Alright, before I tell you of all my adventures, here are a couple pictures of where I worked. I worked at the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique for all of you who are just joining my blog. It is located inside Cinderella Castle across from Cinderella's Royal Table.

I also had a chance to spend some time at Downtown Disney's Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique. As a Fairy Godmother in Training, you are able to pick up some extra shifts at Downtown Disney. Since I was a college program participant, scheduling would deploy me down there sometimes and so I got a chance to know some of the people at both locations and got a chance to compare the two Boutiques.

Working at the two locations was completely different. The language for what you called certain things was different. Like wishing well and going to the dungeon. Both meant you needed to go to the bathroom, but it depended on what Boutique you were at. Also way things were run was a little different. The costumes were different as well. Instead of a blue vest, you would wear a red vest at Downtown Disney. I would haveto say I liked Cinderella Castle better. Only because that is where I spent most my time so I got use to it, but the people from both locations were great and of course the Princesses were sooo cute no matter where you were. ^^

Friday, March 2, 2012

Where do I Even Begin?

Well first of all, I want to put up a lot of the pictures I took while I was down there. Like the one from the castle. This picture is one of my favorites.

First things first though. I need to make another check list for all the stuff I did while I was down there. I went horsebackriding, bought an annual pass to Universal Studios, went to Halloween Horror Nights, ate waaay too many Dole Whips, bought too many Disney souvenirs, and had the expereince of a lifetime. Some days were harder than others, but I miss every single part of it. I especially miss the Princesses and coming home with some really cool stories from the day. Again, some good and some bad. I miss my fellow cast members more than anything though. Miss you FGIT's! ^^
It was pretty cool going down for Fall Advantage. If you are going back and forth about which season you should apply for, I would suggest Fall Advantage. It you get to see Disney through the seasons. I saw Disney crazy with people during the Summer, quiet as a ghost town in September, rowdy and spooky during Halloween Boo to You celebrations, pumkins galore for Thanksgiving, and sparkeling with crystals and snow on Main St. for Christmas.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Well....Better Late than Never

It has been two months since I've come back from the Disney College Program. I never realized how hard it was to keep up with school and work and make sure I updated my blog. I googled Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique, and this was the first website I saw and thought that it was time to update it (even though it's done with). I figure it will still be a good tool to use for people who want to find out more about the Disney College Program. I also want to continue with Disney and just applied to be a Disney College Represenative and plan on doing another program verys soon, so there will be plenty of things to talk about. Besides, I need a captive audience to rant to because my friends are tired of hearing about Disney. I thought it was me, but when your friends say they have to go take the dog out when they don't even have a dog, I think it's time to stop talking about it, so at least I have my 15 followers! Woot! Shoutout to the them! That made me feel cool. Don't judge me.

I will definately make an effort to update the blog with all the things I did in those six months and also talk about some future Disney endeavours. Can I get Woot Woot Woot! (I think I took that one too far. I am wayyyy to excited about this).