
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Hospital Blues

This post is strictly for my records so one day when I get old and gray and in between remembering what day it is and who stole my bingo chips, I will suddenly remember how to work a computer or whatever device they will come out with next and I can remember this time in my program as the worst week ever.
Day 3 in the hospital is passing by and slowly making way for Day 4. This expereince has been fillled with ups and downs and this is most definately one of the downs. I was admitted Monday night for severe stomach pains and other unpleasants and I can tell you that I never have beforee missed the castle this much before. I miss all the Princesses too. I had Pancreatitis (unknown causes). Hopefully tommorrow I can go back home. Crossing my Fingers.

Thanks to the lovely nurses and doctors as Celebration Hospital, but a thousand thanks to everyone who has come and visited me here! Thanks to my cousin for calling too. And a special thanks to my mom  whose number the hospital staff has on file now and automactially know who's calling as soon as they hear her voice.

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