
Thursday, May 26, 2011


Well, it's official. On June 8th, at 9:00 a.m, I will fly down to Orlando with my mom and grandma for my June 13th check in to Disney. I am really excited because it's only two weeks away, but also really nervous. I think I am already feeling the symptoms of home sickness and I haven't even left yet.
On Monday, I will be having a family goodbye celebration and it just reminds me how much I will miss them. Missing people has been in the back of my mind for a while and now that the date is getting closer and closer, I suddenly realize how nervous I am. The point is....

I will miss my family and friends to death

 I am an only child and have never been away from my family for this long. I know what you're thinking: Poor little only child. You have no siblings and I bet you depend on your parents for everything and you'll come home in a month. Well, critics, at least give me 2 months.

But in all seriousness, I am actually pretty independent. My mom made sure of that. I did stay on campus for school. That makes me independent. Cough...I was only 30 minutes away from home and would come home every weekend to spend time with family and friends. Well, now, I can't go home that easily now and I know that. It's a chance to experience life as an adult. I have to pay for my own food, my own housing,report to work on time, and manage money well.

My mom has been my biggest supporter in all of this. She always tell me, "The bird has to fly away from the nest sometime."  She put up with my Disney craziness while waiting to hear back from them and the months of planning in case I was accepted. Now, I am actually going and she is the one peeling me off from around her waist and pushing me on the plane. Not going to lie, I will miss my my mom's hugs, but I know she is always there for me and just a phone call away.
I will miss my friends too. My biggest fear, although very irrational, is that people will forget about me when I am down there. I love to be social and when I come back I am afraid that all my friends would have moved on (I keep getting the image of myself sitting in a corner alone - I'm a little dramatic if you haven't figured it out). Someone very close to me told me, "If they're your true friends, they won't forget about you." That helped ease my fears. It seems really simple and obvious, but it helped. Besides I already have my friends planning on visiting me and I have promises of hundreds of text messages and skype dates. I don't think I will be bored at all.

What I have learned from this is that I will miss everyone back home, but this is the adventure of a lifetime. I will only be gone for a couple of months and if I spend those months missing people from home and being depressed that I don't know anyone, then I will miss out on the experiences in Orlando. The point of the program is to meet a diverse group of people and gain experiences working and learning. And isn't that why I applied for the program in the first place?
 -Lots of love Michiganders-

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